“Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.”
Education has a significant impact on the quality of life of children. It broadens their knowledge, fosters their potential, and assists kids in being more sensitive and socially stronger. Education is the foundation for critical thinking and general human development. To ensure that all children in our country have access to the resources they need for regular and quality education, attendance at school, and completion of their education, we must focus on children’s education in India.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights makes clear that every child has the right to a free basic education, so that poverty and lack of money should not be a barrier to schooling. Even in India, article 21-A in the Constitution of India to provide free and compulsory education of all children in the age group of six to fourteen years as a Fundamental Right in such a manner as the State may, by law, determine. A child’s right to education entails the right to learn.
Despite this fundamental global human right, children, particularly those from low socioeconomic backgrounds, are denied the basic right to education for a variety of reasons, including a lack of education funding in developing countries, a lack of educators, a lack of classrooms, a lack of learning materials, the exclusion of children with disabilities, living in a country in a war-related conflict, and the cost of education. One of the primary factors of inaccessibility to education is gender. When girls lack access to safe restrooms, they are frequently harassed or abused while seeking a private place to go. Girls may also miss or drop out of school when they begin menstruating if they do not have access to sanitation or sanitary items.
Therefore, we as global citizens should spread awareness and make collective efforts to ensure that no child is left out in the race of education. They need our help to learn, so that they can grow up to be modern future citizens of the earth, be aware and teach their own children about the eternal importance of education.
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