
Prakruthi by name tells it is nature, This is an activity which focuses on environment, nature and our inclination towards the mother earth.

This program is divided into few verticals:

1. Seed ball making: This is a very unique activity of dirtying our hands brown to see the earth green. We involve volunteers, students, employees of corporates to make the seed balls and then the volunteers drop off these seed balls in barren lands and forest areas which is suffering from deforestation due to the greed of the mankind. We have involved many individuals to make and drop more than 2.5 lakhs seed ball in two years.

2. Sapling plantation: This activity involves the employees and volunteers to plant the saplings in their neighborhood or in schools which has adequate space to accommodate the saplings so that the children are inculcated with the practice of taking care of the plants and knowing the importance of nature and environment. It is 3000+ saplings which have been planted and nurtured till today in various schools and barren lands of urban and rural karnataka.

Don't just leave yet!

All children deserve to live in safe, nurturing homes
where they can feel valued and loved.

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