help poor children with books for education

Millions of children around bangalore ,Karnataka lack access to basic necessities, such as food, clean water, sanitation, medicine, shelter, hyhhh, books, fun, family and happiness. Donate today to help us transform a child’s life through education.

Education transforms lives and breaks the cycle of poverty that traps so many children.

Help raise money to donate books to poor childrenRapidly growing size of population, shortages of teachers, books, and basic facilities, and  food Join us to help poor children get the magic of reading books.

Kritagyata  is  working towards helping these children who are deprived of quality education due to look of books.Every donation you make will help these poor children get access to quality education in schools

Kritagyata Books Donation Drive 2019 under Vidyaspoorthi.We can change the destiny of a child!! 

Are you with us???

You can donate with #Instamojo, just use this link –

#spreadeducation #support #donate #vidyaspoorthi #donateforbooks #donateforstationery

#kritagyata #gratitudeishappiness 

About Kritagyata

Kritagyata is a registered charitable trust in bangalore providing  quality education,food and shelter to girl children in Bangalore as a charity works for underprivileged girl child who are deprived of  quality social life. We request to donate for these children education and help them live with dignity


Don't just leave yet!

All children deserve to live in safe, nurturing homes
where they can feel valued and loved.

Get 50% tax exemption on your donation to Kritagyata under section 80G of the Income Tax Act.